Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Welcome to the World!

Well, I am over the moon! On Friday morning our little angel of a boy arrived. He is everything and more I could have ever dreamed of! He's got my nose, Jam's chin and auburn hair, a proper red squirrel!! My grandad was a red-head, my sister and Aunty too; awwww he's so beautiful!!

The Cesarean was fine, I was really nervous, but calm and expecting it. Having the canola fitted was the worst part, I hate those things (the tube for the drip, canola may not be the right word)! The anesthetists were so lovely and really put us at ease, going through their cd collection to find some nice music, they said I should have bought one of my Hidden cd's in, but we ended up plumping for Frank Sinatra. When we told them about living on a boat they were really interested and after the procedure on the way back to the recovery ward we lost Jam only to find that he'd stopped to give my blog address to one of the anesthetists who was interested in reading it and finding out more about living on a boat!

When they lifted our baby out, they held him up for Jam to announce 'Oh Flora my darling, we've got a son, it's a boy!' He was taken to the side and checked and passageways cleared, he started to cry, then weed on the nurse, Jam started singing the lullaby he used to sing to him and he calmed down and grabbed his fingertip, then Jam bought him over to me and held him close to my face and he stuck his little hand in my mouth and up my nose and had a good look and I cried with joy. It took a bit of pulling and pushing as they sewed me back up, which was just a weird sensation and I was convinced that my legs were in stirrups, even when they took the curtains down and showed me ~ apparently your body remembers the position it was in when it went to sleep so that was why it felt like that.

Back on the ward I just held him and held him and he suckled and looked at us and it was incredible. Our little miracle safe in our arms, we've called him Rowan. When we were choosing names we were certain of our girl's name - Romilly Bella, and really struggled with the boy's name, liking Morgan, or Rowan, or more recently I'd been thinking Barnaby. His middle name would be Courtenay, the same as Jam's, slightly breaking the tradition in the family that the second born son would take Courtenay as his middle name, but hey.

I stayed in hospital for two days. It was so hard when Jam left in the evening, I should have slept whilst Rowan slept during the night, but he was on me, suckling and I was just gazing adoringly at him, unable to do anything else. The second night was the hardest, it was still quite hard to move around and the noise of the TV's from the other beds was too much and the nurses would turn on the lights every time they came in to take blood pressure or give out medication. It was hard getting up to put him down in the cot and then get back into bed, only to have to get up again because he didn't want to be there. One of the ladies from another bed, who I had chatted with in the waiting room came and helped me, I burst into tears, she was really lovely and said it was all completely normal!! Of course it is, and now we're home it is all so much calmer and more relaxed and I'm going to have to post this quickly to go and feed the little angel - more on this soon with photos, I just wanted to welcome him to the world... xxxxx


  1. Welcome to the world little Rowan!!
    I have to admit, I have tears in my eyes whilst reading this latest blog. You brought all the memories flooding back of when I had our daughter.
    I also found the hardest bit was staying in the hospital and not being able to move around too well. But once we got home everything seemed right with the world again.
    Sending lots of congratulations and love to you and your new family xxx

  2. Many thanks for the lovely account of your day. Congratulations. I hope we will get baby pictures in due course.

  3. friday... tell rowan - and mummy and daddy! that i'll SEE HIM ON FRIDAY. thinking about you all so much!! right arm x

  4. Hurrah! HURRAH! *skips around room in whirlwind of joy* LLGxx

  5. Congratulations! I am so happy to hear that all went well and that you and the baby boy are well. Now the fun part begins :)
    I hope you'll recover soon and that we'll have a chance to gaze at him shortly.

    PS: Don't worry about the tears. It's all normal. I felt like it took about ten months for my hormone levels to be somewhat normal again. MM x

  6. Welcome Rowan! Well done Flora, and congratulations :-) xxx

  7. Congratulations to you both, and welcome Rowan!
    Lovely post Laura, so happy you are all well, like someone said, reminded me how I felt when Daisy first entered this world......it's a beautiful time, enjoy!
    Big Big love to you all, can't wait to see you
    Sal X
